
Grammar School (PreK–4)

The Ver­i­tas Gram­mar School will empha­size stu­dent expo­sure to and com­pre­hen­sion of core knowl­edge in lit­er­a­ture, writ­ing, gram­mar, vocab­u­lary, his­to­ry and geog­ra­phy, and fine arts.

The Ver­i­tas Gram­mar School cur­ricu­lum incor­po­rates meth­ods devel­oped by Char­lotte Mason, includ­ing nar­ra­tion, mem­o­riza­tion, pic­ture study, and sketch­ing. Week­ly assign­ments will guide the stu­dent and par­ents in prepa­ra­tion for the next week’s class. 

  • Stu­dents will be guid­ed by an expe­ri­enced edu­ca­tor through a com­pre­hen­sive cur­ricu­lum. Par­ents and stu­dents will be able to refer to the text­books through­out the week to com­plete assign­ments and move broad­er and deep­er into the mate­r­i­al pre­sent­ed in class.
  • The aca­d­e­m­ic pro­gram has been cre­at­ed to chal­lenge stu­dents to think crit­i­cal­ly and grow in their knowl­edge of human­i­ties through read­ing, projects, the study of Latin root-words and the inte­gra­tion of bib­li­cal truth in all subjects.
  • Ele­men­tary stu­dents attend class with peers in the same grade lev­el under the super­vi­sion of an expe­ri­enced educator.

Preparatory School (5-12)

In the Ver­i­tas Prepara­to­ry School all sub­jects are taught from a dis­tinc­tive­ly bib­li­cal world view. 

  • The cur­ricu­lum inte­grates Scriptire, theology, apologetics, his­to­ry, lit­er­a­ture, com­po­si­tion, gram­mar, study skills, log­ic, and crit­i­cal thinking.
  • Vocab­u­lary devel­op­ment through Latin and Greek roots cul­mi­nates in a for­mal­ized study of Latin and Greek as lan­guages in high school.
  • Each week, the stu­dent will receive an assign­ment sheet delin­eat­ing the work required in each sub­ject area.
  • Stu­dents will par­tic­i­pate in a com­bined grade lev­el class­room that allows them to inter­act with peers and pro­motes class­room dis­cus­sion and group projects.

Our daughter wasn’t fitting into the traditional, one-size-fits-all school system. Veritas allows for deeper study rather than seven classes a day and has better prepared our daughter for her next step into college.

– Mark, Veritas parent
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