
Candidates for enrollment

The stu­dent who will pros­per at Veritas …

  • Is being reared in a fam­i­ly that val­ues aca­d­e­m­ic, spir­i­tu­al, and moral education.
  • Is from a fam­i­ly which under­stands the home to be the pri­ma­ry edu­ca­tion­al enti­ty in the child’s life, but also sees the val­ue of a pos­i­tive teacher/​mentor and peer group inter­ac­tion in a small-group setting.
  • Is from a fam­i­ly which seeks an edu­ca­tion that will pre­pare the child to grow in wis­dom and stature, in favor with God and man.
  • Is a stu­dent who has a strong work eth­ic and has learned to appre­ci­ate the rewards of work well done. This stu­dent will find that while the Ver­i­tas approach may be rig­or­ous, it is not burdensome.

Par­ents are respon­si­ble for order­ing their student’s cur­ricu­lum. We will pro­vide a book­list with the exact ISBN num­bers for each book. Books can be ordered from any book­store, but we sug­gest Home­school Hang­out or Learn­ing Things.

How to register

We are excit­ed that you are con­sid­er­ing appli­ca­tion to Ver­i­tas Clas­si­cal Schools. We desire to part­ner with you in the edu­ca­tion of your child(ren). As you begin the reg­is­tra­tion process, please take a few min­utes to read through the admis­sion pro­ce­dure. Appli­ca­tions are accept­ed through­out the cur­rent school year and are processed on an ​“as avail­able” basis.

Reg­is­tra­tion procedure

  • Attend an Open House or view our Virtual Open House
  • Com­plete Application
  • Provide edu­ca­tion­al back­ground of student
  • Pre­pare parent’s tes­ti­mo­ny
    • At least one par­ent is required to include a writ­ten tes­ti­mo­ny of his or her walk of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Pay reg­is­tra­tion fees

Receipt of the admis­sions paper­work will begin the process of admis­sions. We will con­tact you if fur­ther infor­ma­tion is need­ed. You will receive ver­i­fi­ca­tion by email once we have processed all of your information.

We are about to send our first Veritas graduate to college and I am confident that her foundation is solid. Best elementary, middle and high school in Georgia…and Georgia’s best kept secret.

– Tamu, Veritas parent
Need more information? Ready to enroll your student?